Pancreatic Problems - Case Study
A female in her 70s came to see Dr. Ping from Long Beach. She had been having pancreatic problems for 35 years. As she aged, conditions got worse. She was transported to the hospital in an ambulance every few months due to the severe pains. In her own words, the pain was like “broken glass going through narrowing bottles.” She had to live like that for 3 years before she came to see Dr. Ping.
When she came in nine years ago, she was extremely thin due to her inability to digest food. She complained that there was no enjoyment in her life and she eliminated almost every food in her diet but was still getting severe pains. She was mal-nourished, had no energy, and had weak muscles.
After joining Dr. Ping’s program, she was pleased to be able to eat her favorite food again, which she cut out for years. Without any digestive system troubles, she’s gained some of her weight back and got stronger. She started walking and doing light weight exercises and enjoys eating a rich selection of food. She’s been doing well ever since.